Source code for racket.models.base

import datetime

from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey

from racket.models import SerialializableModel, db

[docs]class MLModel(db.Model, SerialializableModel): """ The SQL DeclarativeMeta model responsible for storing a model's metadata Parameters ---------- model_id: int The model's unique identifier model_name: str Model name, usually defined with instantiating a Learner class major : int Major version of the learner minor: int Minor version of the learner patch: int Patch version of the learner version_dir: str Directory where the models will be stored inside TensorFlow serving and on-disk created_at: dateteime.datetime When the model was created model_type: str The model type usually either regression or classification """ __tablename__ = 'MLModel' model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, index=True, primary_key=True) model_name = db.Column(db.Text) major = db.Column(db.Integer) minor = db.Column(db.Integer) patch = db.Column(db.Integer) version_dir = db.Column(db.String) active = db.Column(db.Boolean) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) model_type = db.Column(db.String)
[docs]class MLModelInputs(db.Model, SerialializableModel): __tablename__ = 'MLModelInputs' model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey('MLModel.model_id'), primary_key=True, index=True) model_inputs = db.Column(db.Text)
[docs]class ModelScores(db.Model, SerialializableModel): """Scores of the model Parameters ---------- model_id: int The model's unique identifier scoring_fn: str The name of the scoring function score: float The cross-validation score associated with the scoring function and the model id """ __tablename__ = 'ModelScores' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey('MLModel.model_id'), primary_key=False, index=True) scoring_fn = db.Column(db.Text) score = db.Column(db.Float)